Our Story

Nowhere Bakery has been 10 years in the making. It started out with making healthier dessert recipes in my tiny model apartment in Hong Kong, that spawned into a dessert blog with countless hours of researching, testing, tasting and shooting. 3 failed business ventures, a round of Masterchef auditions, and years of consistently showing up for no one but myself to ultimately do what I love - bake healthy desserts.

My career path has been a windy road with many potholes and wrong turns along the way but my compass always steered me back to the kitchen.

I was constantly making better-for-you treats that not only I could enjoy but also that my husband (and co founder) Maurizio would as well. 

You see, I had gut issues, multiple food intolerances and couldn’t really find anything on the shelves to satisfy my sweet tooth without making me feel horrible. Maurizio on the other hand could eat a razor blade and feel absolutely fine. His taste buds were used to the more traditional desserts of the world and didn’t care for the dry texture and ‘healthy’ taste that came with every better for you option currently on the market.

A dessert that catered to both of our needs was NOWHERE to be found, so we created it. With just a $400 investment, countless late nights and early mornings. A lot of grit, and unwavering determination to build the best dessert company this world has seen. 

One that caters to both sides of the coin - decadent in taste and texture but also made with clean, real ingredients you could find in your pantry, and most importantly that your body loves you back for.